Your blood type is A and it explain that you are ...
Basic behavior :
* Pessimistic and too sensitive
* Careful about decision-making
* Make things clear in black and white
* Care too much about social rules and standards
Tolerance :
* High tolerance for physical or repetitive work
* Cannot take changes easily
* Lose interest in a hobby easily
How do you see your future and past ?
* Try hard to forget the past
* Pessimistic about the future
How do you express your emotions ?
* Able to display cool outlook even though angry
* Short-tempered
* Take longer to heal a broken heart
* Sensitive to others opinions
hmm this is cool. =)
Dah besar dah
Setiap pagi aku hantar Sabrina ke sekolah aku takkan lepaskan peluang untuk
berbual dengan dia tentang apa sahaja yang dia ingin katakan. Tentang
saye taktau saye darah berhuruf ape. ngaa